In the Early Spring of 2022, This open space let base of opperations become a reality. Our logo consists of a detective on the case but for some reason the case remains Unsolved.
This amazing studio space was only possible with the help of homies, family and followers who donated to our We reached our goal and now have the opportunity and ability to bring bigger and better productions.
With a large green screen stage and stunt rigger set up, equipment space, wardrobe space and over spaceis sqft for pop up sets, we’re already well into the process of more projects.
This is a huge step for R.evolution I.nfamous P.roductions. We have gone from filming in backyards and basements to building up our own studio space! This has been a long journey to be able to achieve this opportunity.
We have had about a year to prepare and get some of our own projects out of the way and now, Unsolved Studios is opening its doors to cosplay, social media addicts, students, musical creators and all other local multimedia creators.
We are renting the space to use for specified time frames. Most studios are 100$s an hour. Plus the editing and SFX charges….ouch. To keep costs las as possible, this is generally based on the idea of B.ring Y.our O.wn G.ear!
If you have your own phone, cams, steady cams, gopros, whatever, Unsolved Studios has this great stage with greenscreen. We will supply up to 6 stage lights for the stage usage. You and your crew comes down and sets up, film what ya need, break down and get on your way to you next gig, set, project.
Unsolved Film Crew is available to film with R.I.P. equipment. Of course, we charge for time and labor. All our Prices are posted bellow. These prices are only available with in person purchases and not available from the R.I.P. website
If interested in scheduling a time to discuss your projects, please email us for further information.